Adam Lembo

Gameplay Programmer

Hello My Name is Adam Lembo, I have recently graduated from William Peace University with a BA in Simulation and Game Design.



Game Design
Level Design
General Game Design

C# (Unity)
Blueprints (UE)
HTML (Bootstrap 5)


Game Development Engines
Unreal Engine 5
Unity 3D

Design Software
Substance Painter
Adobe Suite

Source Control/Production

About Me

My name is Adam Lembo, I am a Gameplay Programmer/Designer and I also have a passion for Technical Art and 3D modeling. Growing up I have always enjoyed the creative worlds that games provide and appreciated the countless hours I immersed myself in those worlds. As I got older I began contemplating what I wanted to do for a career. I had always known I wanted to do something technical, but instead of just focusing in on basic software engineering I felt more and more interested in understanding and creating games and simulation software as that was a passion of mine. I also figured going this route I could improve the lives of others whether it be with entertainment or through simulation software, training or otherwise, that could impact and assist in our society.

As I continued my journey into Game Development I found a passion for programming the overall backbone of games and making them work, it's like solving a puzzle, sometimes frustrating but rewarding when it works! I also discovered an interest in creating AI in games for the player to interact with and enjoyed trying to make them a little more complex.

I graduated from both Wake Technical Community College with an AAS and William Peace University with a Bachelor's in Game Design. Through my higher education I have gained experience working on both school and professional projects with groups and by myself. I have also learned industry standard tools and worked in multiple game engines. I strive to keep learning more about my field and hope to create an impact however small or large on the people who engage with my work.


Feel free to contact me at or on LinkedIn